Work - Save

I told you that I started investing in the stock market, right? (the global market is fluctuating right now but it will bounce back soon😊 someone told me that and i always believe him) and i'm jobless right now. So what i did is invest my savings and i'm seeking for a new job. Well, my money won't grow if i can't continue investing. SO, I NEED A JOB! and i will have it soon, 1/5 of it (Even if its only 6000) will be invested for sure. You don't need to be paid high to start investing, even utility workers does it. So, why can't you, right? i know some of you are afraid in the stock market (Just don't do tradings), seek for a financial adviser if you don't know what to with your money. But if you really don't like the stock market, there are other options, just please start investing. The future is near, please think of it. There are a lot of Adventures waiting ahead, save for it. Take charge , start saving and try investing! WORK SAVE INVEST! i know you have the heart to do it.πŸ˜‰ you're not alone, i'm doing it too.


  1. Saya sentiasa melihat gambar di malaysia

  2. No,i'm from the philippines. 😁. Went there for vacation last time.


Siitan River, Nagtipunan, Quirino

my weekend getaway with mayora on charlie's birthday! slept there and enjoyed!