Home Based Job

You wanna know what happened today? Well if you are curious, then I'll tell you... about the work I talked about the last time, I got a call already (you know what i mean ---JOB baby!😸) And that's it!LOL

Actually, I wanted to look for another so that i can have the luxury to choose(Yeah! i'm KindA choosy😂😬😂jk). It's just that i need to start again from scratch if you know what I meant(and I know, that's how it works--i'm just a li'l bit disappointed🐯😀[in myself😳_i know some of you have been there]but this is the best if i'm looking for something that is close to home😥). Or, maybe I experienced living outside our home that i just wanna do it again haha!(well, you can't blame me... all I want is a life full of adventures😃--consider that home is an adventurous place already but there is a place out there. i know and i'll go there soon😍 ). Still home based jobs have their own pros so I'll think about it overnight.😉.😐.

What do you think? Should I accept it?😮😊


  1. A lot of works out there... Just keep looking. A new one will come your way��. Just like mine. Keep this blog btw, it will inspire people


Siitan River, Nagtipunan, Quirino

my weekend getaway with mayora on charlie's birthday! slept there and enjoyed!